Discover How To
Make Time for
What Matters Most ~
without doing more.

Grab my free worksheet that I use to help my clients manage their lists and get out of overwhelm.

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Make this the year you have more peace in your home
and your life!

You desperately want quality time with your kids, but the times you have seem so stressful.  Here is what nobody tells you about what it actually takes to get out of stress and overwhelm, so you can have time for what matters without doing more
You're going to learn:

βž” How to get really clear on your lists and how they are helping (or hurting) you.

βž” The EXACT questions and process that I use to coach my clients that are VITAL to managing  your lists so you can stay out of overwhelm, effectively parent, and enjoy more of the times you have with your kids. 

βž” The SINGLE most powerful tool you can use whenever you are stuck that will help you move forward with ease.

βž” What you need to be thinking, not doing, to actually get what matters most done.

βž” And SO MUCH MORE...

Client Feedback on
Mel's Parenting Toolbox:

Niki said "Mel gave me tools that I was able to start using immediately and I feel so much lighter now. I had been feeling like I was drowning.  Now I have hope, and feel like I can handle stuff so much better." 

Angela said "I love your tips and was shocked at how much it (a different response) lowered her heightened sense of emotion and got her to a calm and borderline-rational state. It took at least 50% off of the usual back and forth at bedtime!" 

Alexandra said "Mel’s approach is able to be implemented immediately because the tools are so specific and  tangible.  It was really easy to start making shifts in my perspective and experiences right away."

Help to finally manage your lists so you can enjoy the times that matter is JUST A CLICK AWAY...

The days and months go by quickly. Take action today to have more peace and less overwhelm in your life and home starting now.

Yes! I want the Making Time Worksheet!