Annual Review — Believing change is possible...
Jan 01, 2024
As we kick off a new year, have you taken any time to review the prior year, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re proud of? Personally, I love this time of year. I love to review where we were a year ago and how much has changed — and I love to ponder and get intentional about planning for what we want in the upcoming year.
I invite you to join me and take a few minutes to think about where you were a full year ago. I find that most people tend to skip this step. They focus entirely on what it is they want to change about their lives — and how far they have to go to get there. Very rarely do people tend to look back and see how far it is they’ve come.
Unfortunately, when you stay focused on how far it is you have to go without taking into account how far you’ve already come — you get discouraged which makes it that much harder to keep going.
I understand that it can be hard to see change on a daily or weekly basis, but when you view it from an annual perspective it’s much easier to see how far you’ve come. It’s rewarding to see what you’ve accomplished, and it gives your brain a hit of dopamine which makes it easier to keep on the path in pursuit of your goals.
Here are some of the things that I’ve changed over the years:
I stopped yelling at my kids and gained more patience.
I stopped telling my kids what to do and started asking more questions.
I became less judgmental, and I became more curious.
I gave up the boxing gloves that I used to beat myself up.
I stopped feeling guilty all the time.
I started treating myself more kindly.
I started giving myself more grace and appreciation.
I started with the goal to stop yelling. Once I learned how to do that, I realized that I could change and I’ve been on a mission to become the best version of myself ever since knowing that it will be a lifelong journey.
I get that it’s easy to look at someone else and think it’s easy for them, but not possible for you… but that is only your mind trying to keep things predictable. Your mind sees predictable as safe, and change as dangerous — even if the change will make your life so much better.
So start by just opening up to the possibility that change is possible. When you see someone else that has changed, instead of being frustrated or resentful, consider that they are proof that it’s possible.
In full transparency, I couldn’t change until I got help from a coach. It made such an impact that I went back to school to learn the coaching methodology and it’s now what I do for my clients. I’m now watching my clients, who are everyday people just like you, make amazing changes in their lives.
They have stopped yelling, and are more patient.
They are less frustrated and more calm.
They are less judgmental and more curious.
They are less anxious and more confident.
They know how to stop the negative spiral that would ruin their day.
They have more meaningful conversations and better relationships with their kids.
They have dropped the guilt and stopped beating themselves up.
They are kinder to themselves and their families.
I am not some special unicorn, and my clients are not unicorns either — Change is possible for anyone, and it’s possible for you too.
The key is believing it’s possible. Everyone thinks they have to take action to change and see the results before they can believe it. But if you don’t believe that it’s possible, you make it so much more difficult for yourself. It’s like trying to push a boulder uphill — and that’s why it’s helpful to look back. When you look back over a full year and how far you’ve come, it makes it easier to believe change is possible.
But if you can’t believe it for yourself yet, find someone that can hold that belief for you. Someone that knows that you can do it, and helps you get back on track when you fall off. Someone that will hold the belief that you can change even when you are in doubt. Change can be hard, but having someone in your corner makes it so much easier.
If you are serious about making some lasting changes this year that will impact your kids and family, I would love to support you. I know without a doubt that change is possible for you, and I can help make the process so much easier. It starts with one phone call. Click here to get on my schedule to talk about what you want to be different by the end of 2024.
What do you want to be proud of by the end of the year? I believe in you and I can help you get there.
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