Your Parenting On Purpose Toolbox
This is where I share weekly tools and strategies to help support you both as a parent, and in living your best life — so you can be an example of what's possible for your kids.
Feel free to browse or find what you need in the categories in the right-hand column. I hope this inspires you, and by all means: COMMENT. I'm always open to feedback.
As you get closer to the end of the year, have you started thinking about next year? What you want to change, what you want to start, what you want to stop, what you want to accomplish? The beginning of a new year is like a reset, where many people start thinking about the better version of themselves they want to become.
The problem is that most of us start from a place of what we don’t like, what we...
Every year at the holidays, do you struggle to squeeze in as much as you can, wanting to create the best memories possible for your kids? In the process, do you miss out on the Joy of the Season because you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Trust me - I get it! For so many years that was me! I was so busy with holiday cards and gifts for everyone for both home and work, baking...
This time of year, do you find that your kids are highly focused on everything that they want? It’s an exciting time of year for many children, but as a parent are you concerned about getting your kids to think about giving as much as receiving?
This came up in a recent coaching session with a client as her son is all caught up in what he wants right now. And for some families that have multiple sets...
If I told you there was one thing that you could teach your kids that would help them every single time they were stuck not knowing what to do — one thing that could help them figure things out in every single aspect of their lives, can you imagine what it is?
I’m guessing that many of you are going to answer “I don’t know”, and ironically, that is actually the answer!
Have you ever stopped to think about the difference in how it feels when you say “I should”, versus “I want” to do something? I’ve been playing with this concept myself a lot lately around cleaning and organizing my house, but you could apply it to every area of your life. Just a slight shift in perspective can make a world of difference, and teaching kids this concept early...
Have you ever noticed that when you have a list of 25 things to do, and you knock out 20, your brain still focuses on the 5 that you didn’t do? You can blame your ancestors for that! Your brain is wired to put more emphasis on negative experiences than positive ones. It’s how our caveman ancestors survived and our brains evolved. It’s called the Negativity Bias.
As we are now into the season of gratitude, what are you most grateful for? I know that when I stop and take stock, I’m usually most grateful for those small moments of connection with my loved ones — the moments talking before bed, the random hug in the middle of the day. The question is how present are you for these moments?
Are you able to enjoy them, or is your mind occupied with lists of...
Do you keep running lists of all the things that you think you should be doing? You know, that list in your head about all the “right” ways to do things. The list of things that you think you need to do to finally be a good parent, spouse, partner, friend, daughter, employee, or more.
The list might cover exactly how you should feed your child (maybe all homemade food with a certain amount of...
Do you feel like you’re in the dark about what’s going on in your child’s life? Do you find yourself asking lots of questions to try to connect more and keep up to date on where they’re at and how they’re doing? I know that’s my first instinct! How was school? What did you do? Is everything okay? What happened? Did you get all of your homework done?...
What if I told you that there was one simple thing that you could do to help your child listen and behave better? Because there actually is one thing that you can do, and the answer is likely to surprise you. The one thing that you can do is to acknowledge how your child is feeling when they misbehave or are expressing negative feelings.
I know that doesn’t sound right. When our kids express...
As a parent, do you have lots of thoughts and opinions about your child? I know that I do — How they should behave, what activities might be good for them, what classes they should take in school, what friends they should spend more or less time with, and more?
We have the best intentions as parents. We spend years guiding our children based on what we think is best, because we truly want the...
Do you wish there was a golden key to make parenting easier?
I have to admit, I worked on trying to be a better parent for years. In my search for the golden key, I read books, I observed and talked to other parents and some experts and although I would see some changes in some areas, I would still struggle in others.
At the time, I was also running and growing a company. Being a mom, wife and working...