Your Parenting On Purpose Toolbox

This is where I share weekly tools and strategies to help support you both as a parent, and in living your best life — so you can be an example of what's possible for your kids.

Feel free to browse or find what you need in the categories in the right-hand column.  I hope this inspires you, and by all means: COMMENT. I'm always open to feedback.

Talking To Our Kids About Ukraine and War intentional parenting parenting tips raising kids Mar 09, 2022

As parents, do you want your kids to think that the world is safe and that bad things don’t happen?  Most parents want to protect their children for as long as possible and for babies and toddlers that is absolutely true.  With the war between Russia and Ukraine featured in every news channel, all over social media, and as the topic of many adult discussions, if your kids leave the house they are...

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Parenting When Things Go "Wrong" For Your Kids emotional management intentional parenting parenting tips Mar 03, 2022

As parents, we typically have an expectation of how things will go for our kids.  But what happens when they don’t turn out as we expected?  When this happens, do you think that something has gone wrong?  

I invite you to take a minute and think about how you react and how you parent from a place of “something has gone wrong”.  For most of my clients, when they believe...

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What Happens When We Label "Difficult" Kids brain development in children intentional parenting parenting tips raising kids Feb 24, 2022

Are you raising a “difficult” kid?  As a parent we tend to label our kids “easy” or “difficult” based on how they are for us to parent.  Unfortunately, the labels we place on our kids can become self-fulfilling so I’m hoping to introduce a new perspective.  

Characteristics to describe “difficult” children can include easily frustrated, consistently...

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Teaching Kids About Kindness emotional intelligence parenting tips raising kids role model Feb 17, 2022

Do you wonder how you can raise your kids to be more kind?  The best place to start with raising kind kids is to actually be kinder to yourself.  So if you find that you are prone to beating yourself up, thinking that being hard on yourself will motivate you to change — you are actually making it harder for yourself to change. Kids learn through modeling, so when you take care of yourself and are kind...

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Are You Raising A "Difficult" Child? brain development in children intentional parenting kid's developing brains kid's misbehavior Feb 12, 2022

Are you raising a “difficult”  or an “easy” child?  As parents, we tend to put our kids into one bucket or another based on how easy or difficult they are for us to parent.  If they listen well, are flexible, and go with the flow, then we label them as “easy”.  But if they are more opinionated about what they want and don’t bend easily to how others think...

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When Saying NO Causes A Meltdown - How To Say No Without Saying No brain development in children helping kids listen parenting tips temper tantrums Feb 03, 2022

Do you walk on eggshells, afraid to say no to your child because of how they might react?  I was coaching a client this week with a struggling three-year-old who has not yet developed the skills to be able to handle frustration or express big feelings appropriately.  Whenever the Mom says no, the child goes into a complete tailspin and meltdown.

Does this sound familiar?  I think most parents have faced...

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How To Make Parenting Easier intentional parenting parenting tips raising kids Jan 27, 2022

Do you think that parenting is hard and wish it could be easier?  If so, you’re not alone.  I hear this from parents all the time — that’s why they come to me for help!   And when we start working together, the first thing we work on is the belief that parenting can be easier!

Before I go any further, I truly want you to know that if you’re really struggling, I get you. ...

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The Power Of Hugs On Kids Physical, Mental and Emotional Well-Being emotional management intentional parenting parenting tips Jan 20, 2022

When was the last time you got or gave a big bear hug, and you were really present for it?  Hugs make us feel good.  When someone hugs us it’s comforting, and we give hugs as a way to comfort others.  We usually don’t give much thought to it, but there is so much research on the impact of hugs on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Hugs are very powerful from a parenting...

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Lessons In Parenting Confidence Learned From My 4 Year Old confident kids parenting tips raising kids Jan 13, 2022

Do you worry about what other people think of you as a parent?  Do you need other people to think of you as a good parent, in order for you to feel like you’re doing a good job?  I ask this because that was me.  I was not a confident parent, but I had a child that was naturally confident — I learned a lot from her.

My daughter was born opinionated, and she figured out a way to express her...

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Teaching Kids About Goals, Intentions and Focus intentional parenting parenting tips raising kids role model teaching kids to think Jan 06, 2022

Happy New Year!!  Have you thought about what you want for this year?  Is this the year that you stop yelling and become the calm and effective parent you want to be?  Is this the year that you improve your relationship with your kids so you can stop walking on eggshells in your own house?  How do you want to grow, what experiences do you want to have, and how do you want to feel?  


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Celebrate Accomplishments To Build Confidence In Your Kids confident kids intentional parenting parenting tips role model Dec 30, 2021

As you get closer to the end of the year, have you started thinking about next year?  What you want to change, what you want to start, what you want to stop, what you want to accomplish?  The beginning of a new year is like a reset, where many people start thinking about the better version of themselves they want to become.

The problem is that most of us start from a place of what we don’t like, what we...

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Holiday Memories are Cumulative ~ Do Less to have More! intentional parenting parenting tips raising kids Dec 21, 2021

Every year at the holidays, do you struggle to squeeze in as much as you can, wanting to create the best memories possible for your kids?  In the process, do you miss out on the Joy of the Season because you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Trust me - I get it!  For so many years that was me!  I was so busy with holiday cards and gifts for everyone for both home and work, baking...

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